Artist Bio

Art and design have played essential roles in shaping both my personal and professional path.

After completing my foundation degree in 2014, I immersed myself into the creative marketing industry, dedicating nearly a decade to honing my skills as a graphic designer.

Simultaneously, I became drawn to the realm of selling creative products and digital art prints. This reignited my passion for art, prompting me to revisit and pursue a BA Honours in Fine Art Practice achieving a 1st Class Grade.

Currently, my practice revolves around the development of fine art and printmaking. I exhibit and sell my works in exhibitions, online platforms and craft fairs, and actively engage in creative workshops within the community.

Artist Statement

I am a Welsh contemporary figurative artist.

Influenced by Jenny Saville and Helen Beard, my artwork is tailored for audiences such as the LGBTQ+ and feminist communities who challenge ideals and advocate for body positivity. I work with traditional and digital methods, emphasising on vibrant mark-making and transformative movements of emotional expression and energy.

Recent Works

An exploration of the female form through expressive mark-making and emotionally charged energy.

The representation of the female body has been a prominent theme in both historical and contemporary art, shaping societal perceptions over time. This collection of recent works endeavours to reimagine the female form in a positive, exploratory, and emotionally charged manner, aiming to offer fresh perspectives on the female nude in today’s modern world. 

By incorporating vibrant colours and abstract mark-making techniques, these works have undergone a meticulous process of exploration and refinement. The expressive gestures, body contours, and colour palette aim to convey a raw intensity as well as celebrating and advocating for body acceptance. 

Recent Works

digital artwork, figurative art, female body, vibrant figurative artwork

Digital Artwork

Screen Print on Paper

Celebration in Orange
Screen Print on Paper

Self Love
Screen Print on Paper

Digital Artwork

Digital Artwork

Celebration in Blue
Screen Print on Paper